


Bach Flower Elm is often recommended for both horses and riders who may experience feelings of overwhelm or inadequacy when faced with heavy responsibilities or tasks. Here's how it can be applied to both:

For Horses:

  1. Performance Stress: Horses involved in competitive disciplines or training regimes may experience stress or overwhelm, especially when faced with challenging tasks or routines. Elm can help them manage these feelings and maintain focus and confidence in their abilities.

  2. Change in Environment: Horses transitioning to new environments, such as a new stable or training facility, may feel overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings. Elm can assist them in adapting to these changes and feeling more at ease in their new surroundings.

  3. Physical Strain: Horses undergoing rigorous training or rehabilitation programs may experience physical strain, leading to feelings of fatigue or inadequacy. Elm can provide support during these times, helping them cope with the demands placed on them.

For Riders:

  1. Competitive Pressure: Riders participating in competitions or high-stakes events may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to perform. Elm can help them manage these feelings and maintain focus and confidence in their riding abilities.

  2. Balancing Responsibilities: Riders who juggle riding with other responsibilities, such as work or family obligations, may feel overwhelmed by the demands placed on them. Elm can assist them in finding balance and managing their commitments more effectively.

  3. Training Challenges: Riders working with horses facing training challenges or behavioural issues may feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of addressing these issues. Elm can provide support during these times, helping them stay focused and patient in their training efforts.

When using Bach Flower remedies such as Elm for horses and riders, it's important to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the appropriate dosage and administration method. These remedies are typically administered orally, either directly or by adding drops to the horse's or rider's water. Additionally, they are safe to use alongside other treatments and medications.

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