


Bach Flower Centaury, or Centaurium erythraea, is intended for individuals who have difficulty saying no and tend to be overly eager to please others, often at the expense of their own needs. Here's how Centaury might be beneficial for both horse and rider:

For Horses:

  1. Submissiveness: Some horses may exhibit overly submissive behavior, allowing themselves to be dominated by herd mates or being overly compliant with humans, even when it leads to discomfort or distress. Centaury can help to bolster their assertiveness, enabling them to establish healthier boundaries.

  2. Lack of Will: Horses that seem to lack the will to express their own needs or preferences, possibly becoming too passive in their interactions, might benefit from Centaury. This remedy can encourage them to be more assertive in communicating their discomfort or refusal.

  3. Overexertion: Horses that are too eager to please might overexert themselves in an attempt to fulfil their rider's commands, even when tired or in pain. Centaury can help these horses to better assert their limits, promoting a healthier balance between obedience and self-care.

For Riders:

  1. Difficulty Setting Boundaries: Riders who find it hard to assert their needs or say no to requests from trainers, peers, or others in the equestrian community might find Centaury beneficial. It can encourage them to prioritize their own needs and assert their boundaries more effectively.

  2. People-Pleasing Behaviour: Riders who constantly seek to please others, often neglecting their own or their horse's needs, may benefit from the use of Centaury. This remedy can help them balance their desire to be cooperative with the necessity of self-care and assertiveness.

  3. Overcommitment: Riders who take on too many responsibilities or commitments, driven by a need to be helpful or liked, may find themselves overwhelmed and unable to fulfil all their obligations adequately. Centaury can assist in fostering the confidence to decline excessive demands, ensuring a more manageable workload and better overall well-being.

As with any Bach Flower remedy, Centaury should be administered according to the recommended dosage and frequency, either diluted in water or taken directly on the tongue. It's crucial to address any underlying issues contributing to difficulty asserting oneself or the tendency to be overly accommodating, such as low self-esteem or fear of rejection. Consulting with a veterinarian or Bach Flower practitioner can provide personalized guidance on using Centaury effectively in specific situations for both horse and rider.

Agrimony Holly

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