


Bach Flower Scleranthus is often recommended for both horses and riders who experience indecision, uncertainty, or mood swings. Here's how it can be applied to both:

For Horses:

  1. Inconsistent Behaviour: Horses that exhibit unpredictable behaviour or mood swings, such as sudden changes in temperament or energy levels, may benefit from Scleranthus. This remedy can help them find more balance and stability in their emotions and behaviour.

  2. Difficulty Concentrating: Horses that have trouble focusing or seem easily distracted may benefit from Scleranthus. This remedy can help improve their ability to concentrate and maintain attention, leading to better performance in training and competition.

  3. Travel Sickness: Horses that experience motion sickness or anxiety during transportation may find relief with Scleranthus. This remedy can help calm their nerves and reduce symptoms of travel-related stress.

For Riders:

  1. Decision-Making Challenges: Riders who struggle with indecision, particularly when faced with choices related to training methods, competition strategies, or horse care, may find Scleranthus helpful. This remedy can assist them in making decisions more confidently and decisively.

  2. Mood Swings: Riders who experience frequent fluctuations in mood or energy levels may benefit from Scleranthus. This remedy can help them achieve greater emotional stability and balance, allowing them to maintain focus and consistency in their riding.

  3. Performance Anxiety: Riders who experience anxiety or nervousness before competitions or challenging rides may find relief with Scleranthus. This remedy can help calm their nerves and promote a sense of inner balance and confidence.

When using Bach Flower remedies such as Scleranthus for horses and riders, it's important to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the appropriate dosage and administration method. These remedies are typically administered orally, either directly or by adding drops to the horse's or rider's water. Additionally, they are safe to use alongside other treatments and medications, offering support for emotional well-being and stability.

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