


Bach Flower Vine, or Vitis vinifera, is commonly used to address domineering, assertive, or overbearing behaviour.

Here's how Vine might be applied for both horse and rider:

For Horses:

  1. Dominant Behaviour: Some horses may exhibit dominant behaviour towards their handlers or other horses, asserting their authority in ways that can be challenging or even dangerous. Vine can help to soften this behaviour and promote a more cooperative attitude.

  2. Resistance to Training: Horses that display stubbornness or resistance during training sessions may benefit from Vine to reduce their inclination to challenge authority and increase their willingness to cooperate with their rider or trainer.

  3. Assertiveness Towards Other Horses: In herd environments, horses may engage in dominance displays or aggressive behaviour towards their peers. Vine can help to temper these tendencies and promote more harmonious interactions within the herd.

For Riders:

  1. Overbearing Leadership: Riders who tend to be overly dominant or controlling in their interactions with their horse may benefit from Vine to cultivate a more balanced and respectful approach to leadership.

  2. Struggles with Assertiveness: Some riders may struggle with asserting themselves effectively, leading to issues with communication and establishing boundaries with their horse. Vine can help to bolster confidence and assertiveness while maintaining a respectful and empathetic relationship.

  3. Conflict with Other Riders or Trainers: In group training sessions or competitive environments, riders may clash with others who exhibit domineering behaviour. Vine can help to mitigate conflict and promote a more cooperative and supportive atmosphere.

Vervain Fear group

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