


Bach Flower Vervain, or Verbena officinalis, is often used to address individuals who exhibit strong enthusiasm, intensity, and an overzealous nature.

Here's how Vervain might be applied for both horse and rider:

For Horses:

  1. Over-excitement: Some horses may exhibit hyperactive or overly enthusiastic behaviour, making it challenging for them to relax and focus during training or competition. Vervain can help to calm their excess energy and promote a more balanced state of mind.

  2. Sensitivity to Environment: Horses that are highly sensitive to their surroundings, reacting strongly to stimuli such as noise, movement, or changes in routine, may benefit from Vervain to reduce their reactivity and promote a more relaxed demeanour.

  3. Resistance to Rest: Horses with a strong work ethic or high drive may struggle to rest and relax properly, leading to issues with fatigue or burnout. Vervain can help to encourage a more balanced approach to work and rest, preventing overexertion.

For Riders:

  1. Over-enthusiasm: Riders who approach training or competition with excessive enthusiasm and intensity may benefit from Vervain to temper their zeal and promote a more measured and strategic approach.

  2. Perfectionism: Some riders may exhibit perfectionist tendencies, setting unrealistically high standards for themselves and their horse. Vervain can help to alleviate the pressure to perform perfectly and promote a more relaxed and enjoyable riding experience.

  3. Burnout: Riders who push themselves and their horse too hard without allowing for adequate rest and recovery may experience burnout or fatigue. Vervain can help to restore balance and prevent overexertion, allowing for sustained performance and enjoyment.

Rock Water Vine

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