What is Equagility?

What is Equagility?

Combining Horse Agility with ridden work to offer a new dimension to working with your horse. In Equagility the horse and handler complete an obstacle course of 5 obstacles and then complete the same course ridden.

We recommend that a saddle (with or without stirrups), bridle and neck rope or strap are worn at ALL LEVELS for safety but this is your choice.

The groundwork is judged in exactly the same way as the usual Horse Agility competitions. For the groundwork you can use a halter/headcollar and leadrope, neck rope or work at liberty.

In the ridden part you will lose marks if the halter/headcollar rein going tight or if the bridle rein is used. The bridle is there for safety only and will lose you marks if you use it but don’t let that stop you if you have to! STAY SAFE!

If you use the neck rope or strap remember it is there to guide the horse lightly, if it is used with a lot of pressure you will lose marks, if you need to use it to stay on the horse please do—you will get no marks for falling off! Riding ability is not judged just the free movement of the horse, if he looks resistant or tense you will lose marks.

Marks are allocated as such: 10 marks per obstacle. 5 marks for completing the obstacle as the criteria, 5 marks for good horsemanship.

NOTE 1: If using a bridle either tie the reins well out of the way while doing the groundwork or put the bridle on after the groundwork section as you prepare to ride. It is better if the halter/headcollar is under the bridle not on top of it.

NOTE 2: Minimum age of horse 3 years, minimum age of rider 5 years.

Progression Through Equagility Levels

There are seven levels starting with very easy to extremely challenging. The levels are very simply named after the colours of the rainbow.

Permissible equipment for the ridden section :

At all levels a regular bridle with bit can be kept on the horse for safety but if the reins on that bridle are picked up you will lose marks.

At each level you can use the equipment listed below for each level but you will lose marks if any of the reins or neck rope go tight. The aim is to use body language, verbal cues etc with the lightest of reins.

You can choose to use any of the equipment in the list or none of it! Remember you do not need to have ALL this equipment on the horse you can choose which ones you want from that list.

NOTE: at all levels a saddle, bridle and neck strap/rope is allowed.

For the horse agility section:

The same course as the Equagility, but to the same rules and marking you can read in What is Horse Agility?


Red: Walk and backup. (same course as Green level) Ridden equipment allowed: two reins attached to a halter, one rein which can change sides, rope around the neck

Orange: Walk, backup and trot (same course as Blue level)
Ridden equipment allowed: two reins attached to a halter, one rein which can change sides, rope around the neck

Yellow: Walk, backup, trot possibly cantering. (Same course as Violet Level)
Ridden equipment allowed: two reins attached to a halter, one rein which can change sides, rope around the neck

Green: Walk and backup. (same course as Red Level)
Ridden equipment allowed: one rein which can change sides, rope around the neck

Blue: Walk, backup and trot. (Same course as Orange Level)
Ridden equipment allowed: one rein which cannot change sides, rope around the neck

Indigo: Walk, backup and trot. (Same course as Orange Level)
Ridden equipment allowed: rope around the neck

Violet: Walk, backup, trot and possibly canter. (same course as Yellow Level)
Ridden equipment allowed: rope around the neck

For more information you can also visit:

Horse Agility Isle of Man
Equitatio Facebook Page

Agility Obstacles

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