Water Violet

Water Violet

Water Violet

Bach Flower Water Violet, or Hottonia palustris, is often used to address individuals who prefer to be alone, are reserved, or have a sense of superiority. Here's how Water Violet might be applied for both horse and rider:

For Horses:

  1. Isolation Tendencies: Some horses may exhibit a preference for solitude or withdrawal from social interactions with other horses or humans. Water Violet can help to encourage more openness and willingness to engage with others, promoting a healthier social dynamic within the herd or with their human companions.

  2. Reserved Behaviour: Horses that are naturally more reserved or standoffish in their interactions with humans may benefit from Water Violet to help them feel more comfortable and trusting in their relationships.

  3. Sensitivity to Changes: Horses that become stressed or anxious when faced with changes in their environment or routine may withdraw or become aloof. Water Violet can help to ease their discomfort and promote adaptability.

For Riders:

  1. Independence: Riders who value independence and prefer to work alone may struggle with forming close bonds with their horse or other riders. Water Violet can help to soften their self-reliance and encourage more openness to collaboration and partnership.

  2. Reserved Communication: Some riders may struggle with expressing their thoughts and emotions openly, leading to communication barriers with their horse or peers. Water Violet can help to facilitate clearer and more open communication, strengthening relationships and understanding.

  3. Sense of Superiority: Riders who perceive themselves as superior to others in skill or knowledge may struggle with arrogance or elitism, creating tension within the equestrian community. Water Violet can help to foster humility and empathy, promoting a more inclusive and supportive environment.

As with any Bach Flower remedy, Water Violet should be administered according to the recommended dosage and frequency, either diluted in water or taken directly on the tongue. It's essential to address any underlying issues contributing to aloofness or a sense of superiority, such as insecurity or fear of vulnerability. Consulting with a veterinarian or Bach Flower practitioner can provide personalized guidance on using Water Violet effectively in specific situations.

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