Crab Apple

Crab Apple

Crab Apple

Bach Flower Crab Apple is often recommended for both horses and riders who may be experiencing feelings of self-doubt, self-criticism, or a preoccupation with cleanliness and perfectionism. Here's how it can be applied to both:

For Horses:

  1. Skin Conditions: Horses that are excessively concerned about their physical appearance, such as constantly scratching or licking themselves, may benefit from Crab Apple. This remedy can help alleviate obsessive grooming behaviour and promote a healthier attitude towards their appearance.

  2. Behavioural Issues: Horses that display signs of irritability or discomfort, perhaps due to minor physical ailments or environmental stressors, can benefit from Crab Apple to help them relax and feel more at ease in their surroundings.

  3. Stress Relief: Horses experiencing stress or anxiety, whether from changes in their environment or routine, can find relief with Crab Apple. This remedy can promote a sense of calmness and well-being, helping the horse cope with challenging situations more effectively.

For Riders:

  1. Perfectionism: Riders who strive for perfection in their riding performance or horse care routines may experience undue stress and self-criticism. Crab Apple can help them develop a healthier perspective, allowing them to appreciate their efforts without fixating on minor imperfections.

  2. Body Image Concerns: Riders who are overly preoccupied with their appearance or weight may find Crab Apple beneficial in promoting self-acceptance and body positivity.

  3. Overwhelm from Cleanliness: Riders who are excessively concerned with cleanliness or hygiene in their stable management practices may benefit from Crab Apple to help them relax and find a more balanced approach to horse care.

When using Bach Flower remedies such as Crab Apple for horses and riders, it's essential to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the appropriate dosage and administration method. These remedies are typically administered orally, either directly or by adding drops to the horse's or rider's water. Additionally, they are safe to use alongside other treatments and medications, offering support for emotional well-being and balance.

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