Rock Water

Rock Water


Bach Flower Rock Water is derived from natural springs and is used to address individuals who are excessively rigid, disciplined, and self-denying.

Here's how Rock Water might be applied for both horse and rider:

For Horses:

  1. Stiffness and Resistance: Some horses may exhibit physical stiffness or resistance during training or handling due to tension or discomfort. Rock Water can help to alleviate this rigidity and promote a more supple and relaxed posture.

  2. Overly Structured Routine: Horses that are subjected to strict or inflexible routines may become stressed or anxious, leading to behavioural issues. Rock Water can help to introduce more flexibility and adaptability into their environment, reducing feelings of confinement or restriction.

  3. Perfectionist Tendencies: Horses that are trained or handled by individuals with perfectionist tendencies may internalize this pressure and become tense or anxious. Rock Water can help to mitigate these expectations and promote a more forgiving and nurturing approach to training.

For Riders:

  1. Rigid Riding Style: Riders who adopt a rigid or overly disciplined riding style may inadvertently restrict their horse's movement and hinder their performance. Rock Water can help to promote a more fluid and adaptable approach, allowing for better communication and partnership between horse and rider.

  2. Self-Denial: Riders who sacrifice their own well-being or comfort for the sake of their horse's needs may experience burnout or resentment over time. Rock Water can help to encourage self-care and balance, ensuring that both horse and rider's needs are met.

  3. Obsessive Training: Riders who become fixated on achieving specific goals or performance outcomes may push themselves and their horse too hard, leading to physical or emotional strain. Rock Water can help to temper this drive for perfection and promote a more balanced and sustainable training regimen.

Chicory Vervain

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