Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root, derived from the Althaea officinalis plant, shares similar properties with marshmallow leaf but is often more potent due to its higher mucilage content.

Here's how marshmallow root can be beneficial for horses:

1. Digestive Support:

Marshmallow root's high mucilage content makes it particularly beneficial for soothing and protecting the digestive tract. It can help alleviate symptoms associated with gastric ulcers, gastritis, colic, and other digestive issues by forming a protective coating along the mucous membranes, reducing irritation and inflammation.

2. Respiratory Health:

Marshmallow root can provide relief for horses suffering from respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, or allergies. It acts as an expectorant, helping to loosen and expel mucus from the respiratory tract, while its soothing properties help alleviate irritation and inflammation in the throat and airways.

3. Urinary System Support:

Similar to marshmallow leaf, marshmallow root can support the health of the urinary system in horses. Its soothing properties may benefit horses with urinary tract inflammation or irritation, helping to ease discomfort and promote healing. **

  1. Skin Health:**

When applied externally, marshmallow root can help soothe skin irritations, wounds, and abrasions. Its emollient properties make it beneficial for treating dry, irritated skin conditions or for promoting the healing of minor wounds.

Precautions and Recommendations:

As with any herb, it's important to use marshmallow root in moderation and under the guidance of a veterinarian or equine nutritionist.

Marshmallow root supplements should be sourced from reputable suppliers to ensure quality and purity.

Introduce marshmallow root gradually into your horse's diet, starting with small amounts and increasing as needed, while monitoring for any adverse reactions.

If your horse is pregnant, nursing, on medication, or has existing health conditions, consult with a veterinarian before incorporating marshmallow root into their regimen to avoid any potential interactions or complications.

Marshmallow root can be a valuable herbal remedy for supporting digestive health, respiratory function, urinary tract health, and skin conditions in horses. When used responsibly and under professional guidance, marshmallow root can contribute to the overall well-being of equines.


Coat and skin



Marshmallow Leaf Meadowsweet

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