


Bach Flower Impatiens, or Impatiens glandulifera, is commonly used to address impatience, irritability, and tension. Here's how Impatiens might be applied for both horse and rider:

For Horses:

  1. Impatience during Training: Some horses may become easily frustrated or impatient during training sessions, leading to tension and resistance. Impatiens can help to calm their nerves and promote a more relaxed and focused demeanour, making training more effective and enjoyable.

  2. Nervousness in High-Stress Situations: Horses that become anxious or agitated in high-stress situations, such as competitions or crowded environments, may benefit from Impatiens to help them stay calm and composed.

  3. Restlessness in the Stall: Horses that exhibit restlessness or pacing in their stalls may be experiencing inner tension or discomfort. Impatiens can help to soothe their nerves and promote a more settled state of mind, encouraging better rest and relaxation.

For Riders:

  1. Impatience with Progress: Riders who become frustrated or impatient with the progress of their horse or their own riding skills may benefit from Impatiens to help them stay focused and motivated, even during challenging times.

  2. Irritability in Training: Riders who experience irritability or tension during training sessions, particularly when their horse is not responding as desired, can benefit from Impatiens to maintain a calm and patient demeanour.

  3. Nervousness before Competitions: Riders who feel nervous or tense before competitions or events may find relief with Impatiens, allowing them to approach the competition with greater confidence and composure.

As with any Bach Flower remedy, Impatiens should be administered according to the recommended dosage and frequency, either diluted in water or taken directly on the tongue. It's essential to address any underlying issues contributing to impatience or tension, such as stress, pressure, or communication barriers between horse and rider. Consulting with a veterinarian or Bach Flower practitioner can provide personalized guidance on using Impatiens effectively in specific situations.

Heather Water Violet